MonteCristo Mini Cuban Cigarillos are great for those who have little time at their disposal, but want to enjoy a good Cuban smoke. These cigars comes from Vuelta Arriba, the second best tobacco growing area in Cuba.
Size: 3 1/4 x 20
Strength: Medium-Full
Montecristo’s perfectly balanced blends are created exclusively with select filler and binder leaves from the Vuelta Abajo zone, home of the finest tobaccos in the world. They offer a distinguished aroma and appeal equally to new and experienced smokers.
Montecristo is the best known and probably the most appreciated brand of Habanos throughout the world. It forms the benchmark for many Habanos smokers against which other brands are judged.
The name comes from the hero of Alexandre Dumas’ famous novel ‘The Count of Montecristo’, which was a firm favourite when read by the Lector to the Torcedores (cigar makers) at the factory where it was founded in 1935.